
Barcelona, Berlin, New York: 1928–1931 is unavailable, but you can change that!

The period 1928 to 1931, which followed completion of his dissertation, was formative for Bonhoeffer’s personal and pastoral and theological direction. Almost all of these nine hundred pages of writings appear in English here for the first time. They document the intense four-year period that included preparation of his postdoctoral thesis; a vicarage in Barcelona; occasional lectures; his...

For another path emerges, the path of God to human beings, the path of revelation and of grace, the path of Christ, the path of justification by grace alone. “My ways are not your ways”[10] is what we now hear; it is not we who go to God, but God who comes to us. It is not religion that makes us good before God, but God alone who makes us good. It is God’s deed that is important here, God’s deed before which all our claims sink. Culture and religion both stand under divine judgment.[11] The motives
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